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“And That’s The Way it Is” Exhibit Honoring Walter…

A UT Austin art display honoring Walter Cronkite has been on display for the past several years. Ben Rubin put the display together as a way to incorporate modern news with the old broadcast that Cronkite spoke on.

This art installation is broadcasted nightly on the communications building in the Cronkite plaza of the communications building.

Cronkite was a proud member of the Chi Phi fraternity and has since joined chapter eternal since his death in 2009. Before his passing Cronkite narrated the story of our chapter that can be found on the history page of our website.

Walter Cronkite is a constant reminder to our chapter to search for the truth.

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Dolph Briscoe Spotted at Capitol

On a recent tour of the Capitol two actives of the Nu Chapter were surprised by a large painting of Dolph Briscoe hanging in the main Rotonda.

The brothers were actually headed back out the north side of the capitol when the painting caught their eye. Pictures were taken in excitement.

It really nailed home to the brothers the gravity and breadth of the Chi Phi Fraternity. The alumni of our organization have influenced our everyday lives in an unimaginable way. It is up to us to carry on this traditional of excellence and world changers.

Service News

Kirby Hall School Lot Cleanup

With the recent development of COVID-19, the Kirby Hall school has tried to transition as much as possible to outdoor areas. This has led to one particular parent, Colin, looking for ways to expand the size of outdoor space available to the students.

Colin identified a lot owned by the lot that was unusable due to a large growth of weeds throughout the lot. The fraternity had reached out to Kirby Hall and was given the opportunity to help clean out the lot so that the students can have more useable outdoor space.

The brothers did a good job of laying down dirt throughout the lot so that the sod can go in soon. It is awesome to drive by that lot often and see the fruits of the hard work from our brothers.

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Brotherhood Bake-Off Success

The brotherhood development committee has recently established the tradition of teaching the fraternity a new skill every month. In the month of January, the skill proposed was baking.

There was a very quick baking tutorial and then the handing out of recipes to start a cookie baking competition. Several groups showed they are very good at following directions, while other groups showed off a little creativity.

The cookies turned out better than I think anyone truly expected, and it was quickly determined that chocolate chip cookies can’t be beaten and that the peanut butter recipe needed a glass of milk served with it due to dryness.

We had a great time hanging out with one another and doing something that we typically would do.